
Saturday, September 7, 1pm (during the Apple Festival)

3 Separate Contests:

In all contests, the participants must eat all of their donuts in the shortest amount of time to be declared the winner. The 6 and under contest will begin at 1pm and the other contests will immediately follow.

Kids 6 & Under

Kids age 6 and under must eat 1 donut

Kids 7-12

Kids ages 7 to 12 must eat 3 donuts

Adults 13 & Up

Adults 13 and older must eat 4 donuts


Contest Rules:

1. There is a $5.00 non-refundable registration fee for all contestants.

2. Any contestant who is sick is disqualified and must clean up his own mess.

3. The first person to finish all of his donuts in the shortest amount of time, is the winner.  Contestants are given cider along with their donuts.

4. The winner of the contest will receive half of the registration money, plus a bag of donuts. The Ferrell Fire Company will receive the other half of the registration money.

5. Any person caught cheating will be disqualified.

6. To be declared the winner, the contestant must swallow all of his donuts and show an empty mouth to the judges.

Kids 6 & Under

6 & under contest 6 & under winner
Russell, Lillian, and Christopher are ready to eat their donuts. Christopher was successful in defending his title. He ate his donut in 2:17.

Kids 7-12

Before the contest nom nom nom
Elijah is cool as a cucumber but Thomas is worried Taking the first bite
The contestants eating 7 to 12 winner
The competition is fierce Jacob ate all 3 donuts in 1:39!

Adults 13 & Up

Ready for the contest Eating fast
Elijah and Brianna are ready for the contest It was a close competition
Greg defended his title and ate 4 donuts in 1:19